agVivo Events
agVivo Events provides event organisation and management for many clients, including complete registration services for conferences and events. agVivo Events also provides an online payment service to enable efficient payment of membership and event registrations.
For more information please contact Erin Gorter by phone 0429 833 752 or email
agVivo Upcoming Events
Sheep Camp
The objective of the Sheep Camp is to offer a weekend to young people that have an interest in sheep. A camp they can attend to work with sheep and learn basic skills in areas such as low stress sheep management, basic husbandry and animal welfare. A camp leaving...
Cost of Production Calculator Workshop
The MLA online Cost of Production calculator has been designed specifically to help producers gain a clear understanding of how much it costs to produce a kilogram of lamb. The tool they have produced is user-friendly and right there on their website. We’d like to...
Crop Camp
Want a fantastic opportunity to take part in an accredited 2 day course that counts towards your practical requirements*? Learn practical applications of cropping, soil testing, weed identification, VRT & other technology, pest identification, seeding, grain seed...
Kalgoorlie Innovation Conference
Click here to view flyer
Talkin’ Soil Health
WA farmers are coming together to celebrate International Year of Soils. Natural resource management groups across regional Western Australia are joining forces to bring you the 2015 Talkin’ Soil Health Conference. Hear the latest research findings and understand how...
agVivo Past Events
Pastoral Profit Workshop at Carnarvon on
26 May 2016
Pastoral Profit Workshop at Nallan Station Cue on 23 May 2016
Crop Updates 2010 – 2011
We would like to thank everyone who attended Crop Updates 2011. We trust you all enjoyed the packed program and the networking. To view images of the day please ‘click here’ Feedback so far as been extremely positive, with a lot of credit going to the quality of the...
Southern Dirt Techspo 2015
Providing the opportunity for farmers and their advisers to touch, feel and talk about the many technologies currently available to improve livestock and cropping productivity profitability. Click here to read more Click here for the program of events