Cost of Production Calculator Workshop
The MLA online Cost of Production calculator has been designed specifically to help producers gain a clear understanding of how much it costs to produce a kilogram of lamb. The tool they have produced is user-friendly and right there on their website. We’d like to help you learn how to use it, so that it can become a useful tool for you to use in the comfort of your own office!
This workshop is specifically being targeted at women who are involved in their farming businesses, to help them add value to decision making regarding the growing and marketing of prime lambs. To add to the value of the day, we have arranged the day to be held at V & V Walsh so you can be taken on a tour of this state of the art processing plant. On this tour you will get a first-hand view of the processing end of the supply chain, giving you a greater understanding of what happens to your product once it leaves the farm gate…
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